Non-Denominational Presentation for the Solution      |YU|
of Problems on the Road of Spiritual Development           
Some people ask us the question: " To which religious denomination belongs
this presentation? ... Who are you?"
When this question asked one catholic,
we answered him by letter (letter.htm). Some persons cannot read the text of presentation, until they find out who is its author (biograf.htm). Sometimes, such an attitude is the consequence of fear to use the reason and to be responsible to search for an answer to the question what is the truth (ind.htm).
However, the aim of this presentation is to help people of all convictions to build their personal relationship with God.

Especially, we are recommending you the following indexes of texts: 

A Stress in the Function of the Realization of the Inner Peace and Bliss
Spiritual, not Psychological Encouragement for Those Who Are in Hard Temptation
The False Experience of Spiritual New Birth
The Four Spiritual Laws Against the Ten God's Commandments

  All additions of the contents of the presentation are on the page: => 2.26.1999.